
Research Study on ADHD

The research study on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is about discovering the genetic factors involved and developing treatment strategies for future use.

ADHD is known to be hereditary. Thus, the presence of genetic components related to this disorder is possible as per research studies. Additionally, scientists think that other non-genetic factors may significantly affect this disorder, such as brain injury, environmental factors, and abnormal development of the brain.

Furthermore, the ADHD study’s long-term goal is to aid in the diagnosis, advance treatment, particularly the person-centered treatment approach. Children diagnosed with ADHD and their families play an essential role in exploring the genes associated with this disease. The study initiates by volunteering for the said study to discover its benefits such as prevention, diagnosis, and future treatment.

A requirement to qualify in the study is children must be blood-related to their parents. Another is, the family must have two or more children. Once eligible, the family will undergo screening and multiple blood samples for free. All costs are covered, and each family member will receive a gift for participating.

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