Genomics Education Week for Healthcare Provider

The future of medicine changes because of discoveries such as genomics. Genomics plays a significant role in patient care and wellness. However, most healthcare providers are not aware and well equipped with knowledge on genomics. Raising awareness on genomics and the resources available will be covered in this event. Moreover, a social media campaign will be conducted during the educational week that primarily focuses on imparting genomic education. The activities included are webinars, social media such as Twitter and other platforms, panel discussion, and question and answer sessions.
The event details are as follows:

Genomics Branch: Computational and Statistical

The genomic and genetic analysis takes place through an intensive approach application which is the main focal point of the Computational and Statistical Genomics Branch.
The investigators of this branch are experts in genetic epidemiology and statistical genetics. These fields include mathematics, epidemiology, statistics, computer science, and molecular genetics for identifying disease susceptibility.
Moreover, experts’ objective is to expand knowledge on the complexity of diseases and advance new statistical approaches to evaluate and analyze the spectrum of genetic data. Computational biologists …

Machine Training in Genomics Workshop

The workshop on genomics covers machine introduction, tools, clinical application, and ethics. It will be a virtual workshop and to be facilitated by a genomic data science working group. The main objective of this workshop is to elaborate discussion on challenges and opportunities about machine learning strategy to genomic medicine. And also to determine topics in genomics from machine learning and its unique role in research.
Furthermore, this area of genomics and machine learning is considered to be fundamental in research. The workshop is a two-day workshop that will include comprehensive discussions from machine learning, …

Genomics Branch: Cancer Genetics and Comparative

Identifying and discovering genes that influence cancer progression and susceptibility is the objective of this branch.
The research study deals with cell mutations that have resulted in cancer exposure and progression of different aggressive cancers such as endometrial cancer, prostate, lung, bladder, gastric and neck cancers.
Inherited genetic mutation can result in the production of tumors that are acquired over time. Genomic alterations cause tumor growth and metastases in some cases. The investigation includes methodologies to expose genomic mutation that causes tumor formation and production.

Social and Behavioral Science Research

Enhancing optimal approaches to incorporate genomic discoveries into clinical practice is the main objective of a social and behavioral research study.
The research study involves a group of health conditions, from major health problems to unique genetic disorders that affect most families. In addition, the study includes the exploration of genomics and behavioral and social sciences as well as training future scientists and medical experts in this field.
Factors of genomic discovery
The scope of the study includes various groups of conditions and identifies how factors of genomics divide with …

A Study on COVIDCode

The human body uses specific genetic instructions to develop and grow. Alterations in genes are a probable cause of many medical diseases and a possible cause why other people are more susceptible to get sick than others. COVID-19 is a life-threatening health problem, and scientists believe that genetics may identify the severity of the illness in certain people.
Moreover, the study’s goal is to explore the contributions of genes to the seriousness of COVID-19. Through …

Research Study on ADHD

The research study on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is about discovering the genetic factors involved and developing treatment strategies for future use.
ADHD is known to be hereditary. Thus, the presence of genetic components related to this disorder is possible as per research studies. Additionally, scientists think that other non-genetic factors may significantly affect this disorder, such as brain injury, environmental factors, and abnormal development of the brain.
Furthermore, the ADHD study’s long-term goal is to aid in the diagnosis, advance treatment, particularly the person-centered treatment …

Genomic Medicine

Genomic medicine is modifying the future of medicine. It is an emerging medical specialty involving using the genomic information of a human being for diagnosis, making therapeutic decisions, and overall health outcomes. Genomic medicine makes a difference in other medical areas such as pharmacology, oncology, rare and infectious diseases.
Human Genome Project is a national project underpinning knowledge and research to provide public awareness and understanding of diseases and enhance health. Over the years, ‘precision medicine’ was introduced and utilized environmental exposure, genomics, and other data to develop an accurate …

How People With Type-1 Diabetes Can Manage Their Blood Sugar Levels

Type-1 diabetes is a condition that affects 300,000 people in Canada. It is typically genetic in nature, meaning that those with a family history of type-1 diabetes are more likely to have the same diagnosis. It is also a chronic disease: daily maintenance and calculated habits are required to control it.
After all, type-1 diabetes is characterized by the pancreas making insufficient insulin. People living with type-1 diabetes must constantly manage their blood sugar levels. …